Corvedia Trusted Root (new certificate)

Corvedia Trusted Root

Microsoft Edge Instructions

Go to website:

select: Downloads

select: Corvedia Root CA

select: Corvedia Trusted Root

Downloads Window opens, then select: Keep

Downloads corvedia_trusted_root.crt is listed, then select: Open_file

Do you want to open this file? is displayed, then select: Open

Certificate is displayed, then select: Install Certificate

Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard, then select: Local Machine and Next

User Account control, then select: Yes

Certificate Store is displayed, then select: Place all certificates in the following store

Select: Browse and then: Trusted Root Certification Authorities

Select: OK

Trusted Root Certification Authorities should now be in Window next to "Browse"

If this is what is displayed, select: Next then: Next

Completing the Certificate Import Wizard is displayed, select: Finish

The import was successful is displayed, select: OK

In the original Certificate window, select: OK

The Windows setup is finished.


Google Chrome Instructions

Go to website:

select: Downloads

select: Corvedia Root CA

select: Corvedia Trusted Root

"corvedia_trusted_root.crt" is downloaded and displayed at bottom of screen.

Select: corvedia_trusted_root.crt

Follow the instuctions for Windows starting at: "Do you want to open this file?"

The Google Chrome setup is finished.


Now the Login can be used on the Corvedia main page.

If a mistake is made the certificate can be removed by:

Open a Cmd prompt as Administrator (cmd in run window, look for Cmd as Administrator on the right)

certutil -v -? >help.txt

certutil -store Root >root.txt

certutil -store CA > intermediate.txt

use notepad to find "Corvedia" in these txt files.

Serial Number: bdb4b556 needs to be in root.txt and not in intermediate.txt

If bdb4b556 is found in intermediate.txt then run: certutil -delstore CA bdb4b556

Then go back and follow the Windows installation instructions at the top of this page.